Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I guess no news is good news...

Things have been kind of quiet with us lately. That's not saying that we haven't been busy, though! We've had a lot going on... just not much to blog about. I enjoyed a nice quiet weekend. Saturday, I did some major house cleaning. My house was a disaster. I can't remember the last time is was that bad! I stayed in my pajamas pretty much all day. I really needed a day like that. They are just so refreshing! Blaine was gone with Neal for most of the day. Judd and I enjoyed our time together. We have had things going on the past several weekends and this past Saturday and this Saturday are the only two free ones until after new years. Our holiday season is filling up fast. Our weekends are pretty much booked and our week days and nights are running out. We're already having a hard time scheduling our Sunday school Christmas party when everyone can be there. But, that's good. It wouldn't be the Christmas season if we weren't busy! I have started thinking about my Christmas shopping and getting my list together. It seems to grow each year!

We have some fun things coming up. Blaine is really getting excited about youth hunting season starting on Saturday. He and Neal have been target practicing. Blaine is getting to the age to begin to enjoy hunting with Neal. I'm glad that Blaine wants to go with him. It will be good for both of them.

I have a fun little get-a-way coming up with a couple of friends. I can't wait! Monday night is my turn to host bunko. I've been trying to get all of my gifts and decide what to fix. I think I've pretty much gotten everything taken care of.

Judd has a birthday coming up. It's hard to believe that my baby is going to be 2 very soon! I think the terrible two's have already started. He has a mind of his own. He is so sweet, but sometimes he really gives me fits. I just try to keep in mind that this phase will pass by fast... and that I need to enjoy each moment to the fullest.

That's about all of the updates I can think of right now. I'll have more pictures to post soon. Have a great week and and even better weekend!

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