Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun!

We had a busy Easter weekend, but it was very fun. Although the boys are tired, I think they had a great time! Saturday they spent the afternoon with Papa Z and Gran (Neal's Daddy and Step-mother). They decorated and hunted eggs. Blaine and Judd really enjoy spending time at their house! Sorry, I didn't get pictures. Next, we went to Nana's (Neal's mother). Neal's Uncle Jim is here from Omaha, NE. They were at the pond fishing, so we jumped in the boat with them for a few minutes. This was Judd's first time on the water. I'm sure the first of many. He loved it.

The boys are playing with (probably killing) the minows. Later we went to Nana's house for some egg hunting and hamburgers. Blaine had fun finding them all, but Judd didn't quite see what all the fun was about this round and decided that he would rather have a sucker!

Judd also had corn on the cob for the first time. He did pretty good knawing the ends of it! This is piece he stole off of Nana's plate!

After all eating until we were stuffed, we went home to hurry to bed before the easter bunny came. Both boys were so tired, they were asleep by the time we got home.

The Easter Bunny

It looks like the Easter bunny knew just what they needed...stuff for camping and fishing poles, life jackets, chairs, bubbles, clothes, and too much candy (Judd's favorite)

Notice the sucker in Judd's mouth. He wasn't happy unless he had a sucker (sometimes as many as five at one in his mouth, and two in each hand).

After church we headed to Mimi's (my grandmother) to spend time with some of my family. Here is the boys in front of her beautiful azalea bush

After lunch the kids were ready to hunt eggs. They had a hard time being patient while the eggs were being hidden.

Uncle Jamey is trying to keep Blaine from cheating.

Judd and Joy (my cousin Jennifer's daughter)It's almost time!

I found one!
I've got it, but now what do I do with it?

Finally got the hang of it!!

Sweet Jett (Jennifer's Son) will be all about the eggs next year!

Later Sunday, we went back to Nana's for some more fun. Hanna and Blaine had just started to hunt eggs when the rain started.

We still had fun eating and visiting!

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