Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Camping at Roosevelt State Park

We went camping at Roosevelt the weekend before last. This is the first time we have camped there and it was really nice. We had a spot on the water. The weather turned out better than we were afraid it was. There were sprinkles on and off Saturday, but Saturday afternoon when we were trying to fry fish and all the fixins the bottom fell out. It poured, but the food was still good!! Neal, Blaine and Uncle Jim left out fishing Saturday morning, but by lunch time, Blaine was ready to call it quits. It's hard for a 4 year old to be patient!! After lunch Neal, Uncle Jim, and Chad went back.
Ready to fish!

Judd is wondering why he can't go fishing.

Ready to ride!

There's not much to do in the camper after a few hours. Judd was suppose to be watching for Daddy and Bubba, but I guess he got a little carried away!

Fun in the sand!

I'm not sure what was so interesting about strapping down the boat cover.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pump it Up!

Saturday we went to Madeline Ogletree's 2nd birthday party at Pump it Up. Boy was it fun! The boys had a blast. We (along with everyone else) were so tired after it was over. Most of the adults jumped, climbed through obstacle courses, and slid down slides along with all of the kids. It is the perfect place for a party. Here a few pictures.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Game Time

Blaine had his first game on Monday night. He did really good. He got a couple of goods hits. One by coach pitch and the other off the tee. He was one of the few that actually hit without the tee. We had the 6:45 game and it got really chilly by the end. Our next game is Friday night.

Blaine and some of his teammates.

It looks like Blaine has known these boys forever as close as they are sitting. Actually, he doesn't have a clue who they are.

Neal telling Blaine "Good Hit" on 3rd base

Moma, that's enough pictures already!

Hanna helped keep Judd occupied during the game.

I've got pictures from our weekend of camping last weekend. Maybe I will get them posted soon, so check back!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Baby Stellan

Please be in prayer for Baby Stellan today. He will be undergoing a heart abalation. He will be youngest baby that has ever had this type of surgery. So, it is very, very risky. They are in Boston and have been since last week. You can go to his mother's blog by clicking the button on the side of my blog. Please pray for his family also.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Practice, Practice, Practice

Well, we managed to talk Blaine into going to practice yesterday afternoon. I can kinda see why he didn't want to go. As I've said before, he's the only one on his team who has played before. The rest of them don't have a clue. He did really good! He got 3 good hits!! They don't really have positions, but he played 1st base. He did good considering all of the wild thows from the other players.

Notice Blaine's PINK glove! Another player had Blaine's glove, so Coach DJ let him borrow Shelby's glove. Blaine wasn't very happy about the pink glove.

Judd thought he was just as big as everyone else. He just watched for a little while, but soon decided that he wanted to be on the field too! Neal was at 1st base with Blaine, so he let him come and join in on the fun. After practice, he had fun throwing the ball and running to get it!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Too Big, Too Fast!!

My baby is getting too big too fast! I went by the chicken houses Tuesday to pick Blaine up and this is what I found. My 4 year old baby driving the tractor all by himself. Yes, it was in a low gear, but still, it doesn't seem possible. He was having to stand up to drive because he can't see above the steering wheel! Look out world, here he comes!! We have t-ball practice tonight, so maybe I'll have pictures to post. Although, he says that he's not going to practice because he's going fishing. I don't know what that's about. Neal has been fishing with his Uncle Jim this week, so I guess he's got fishing on his mind!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun!

We had a busy Easter weekend, but it was very fun. Although the boys are tired, I think they had a great time! Saturday they spent the afternoon with Papa Z and Gran (Neal's Daddy and Step-mother). They decorated and hunted eggs. Blaine and Judd really enjoy spending time at their house! Sorry, I didn't get pictures. Next, we went to Nana's (Neal's mother). Neal's Uncle Jim is here from Omaha, NE. They were at the pond fishing, so we jumped in the boat with them for a few minutes. This was Judd's first time on the water. I'm sure the first of many. He loved it.

The boys are playing with (probably killing) the minows. Later we went to Nana's house for some egg hunting and hamburgers. Blaine had fun finding them all, but Judd didn't quite see what all the fun was about this round and decided that he would rather have a sucker!

Judd also had corn on the cob for the first time. He did pretty good knawing the ends of it! This is piece he stole off of Nana's plate!

After all eating until we were stuffed, we went home to hurry to bed before the easter bunny came. Both boys were so tired, they were asleep by the time we got home.

The Easter Bunny

It looks like the Easter bunny knew just what they needed...stuff for camping and boating...new fishing poles, life jackets, chairs, bubbles, clothes, and too much candy (Judd's favorite)

Notice the sucker in Judd's mouth. He wasn't happy unless he had a sucker (sometimes as many as five at one time..one in his mouth, and two in each hand).

After church we headed to Mimi's (my grandmother) to spend time with some of my family. Here is the boys in front of her beautiful azalea bush

After lunch the kids were ready to hunt eggs. They had a hard time being patient while the eggs were being hidden.

Uncle Jamey is trying to keep Blaine from cheating.

Judd and Joy (my cousin Jennifer's daughter)It's almost time!

I found one!
I've got it, but now what do I do with it?

Finally got the hang of it!!

Sweet Jett (Jennifer's Son) will be all about the eggs next year!

Later Sunday, we went back to Nana's for some more fun. Hanna and Blaine had just started to hunt eggs when the rain started.

We still had fun eating and visiting!