Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Last Saturday, we made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. We went to a different one this year, and it was not what we are used to. They do have a huge corn maze and haunted barn, but we were there for the pumpkin patch, and it wasn't too good. Oh well, the boys had fun!!

Our good friends Big Mac, Chasity, and Brennon went along for the fun, too!

They had several different animals to see....

Big Mac helping Blaine shoot the target with the corn shooter.

Blaine putting the corn cob into the shooter.....

and then shooting it.

Brennon playing in the corn! The corn was a big hit with all of the boys!

It was pretty much impossible to get a picture of all three of them looking at the camera! Brennon liked trying to eat the corn! ha!

Next, it was time for the hay ride to the pumpkin patch.

It didn't take Judd long to pick out a pumpkin...or two!!

Blaine and his pick!

The boys with their pumpkins

Judd tried to get as many pumpkins as he could into the bag! We finally talked him into just taking home two!

It was way too hot for the end of October! We were all so hot!

We decided to go by a pretty fall display and try to take pictures on the way home, but it just didn't work out. Judd fell alseep and wouldn't sit by himself, so this is what we ended up with!

It turned out to be a great weekend...Friday night I went to a "girls" get-together while all the men and kids destroyed my house!! It was a wreck when I got home, I think the men just let the kids run wild! Saturday night we went to a hay ride/fall get-together at some friends house. Sunday we went to church and spent some time at the park with friends! The weather was just beautiful even though it was a little on the warm side for October!

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