Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Jett!!

Jett turned 2 years old last week and we celebrated last Saturday at Okatibbee Lake. It was a beautiful day for a birthday party!

Jean Jean and her brother Chris. Jean Jean, Mimi, the boys, and I all went to the party.

Jean Jean and Judd. Blaine refused pictures!!!

Blaine enjoys taking pictures of everyone else though!!

Jett and his friend Caroline.

The cake was SO cute and good!

Blowing out the candles

The boys had a great time playing on the playground!

Judd's hair was standing up from the static in the slide!

I had to be sneaky to get a picture of Blaine and his Drew Brees jersey!

Miss Joy

Judd has been sick this week with an infection in his mouth. It has been very painful for him, so he has not been eating very much. Poor baby. He is feeling some better today, though! We have been extremely busy usual!

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