Monday, July 19, 2010

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!!!

Last Friday night, we, along with about 40 other friends and family, surprised Nana with a 50th birthday supper. I think she was surprised! We had it a couple of weeks after her birthday because we had to find a weekend that Dwight was off and Uncle Jim could be here.

Uncle Jim and Aunt Diana drove all the way from Omaha, NE to be here for the party. They had planned to come in Thursday and spend the night with us, but got scared they would get caught! So, they visited some Friday and met us at the party.

Aunt Frank, Greg, Aunt Myrt, and Aunt Ray...all waiting for the party to begin

While waiting for our food, we watched a Photo Story that I made. It consisted of around 300 pictures and was 24 minutes long.

I think a good time was had by all!!
We have been extremely busy. Between working on the photo story and everything else going on, I have not had time to blog. Hopefully, I will get caught up this week before fair post start! It's hard to believe that the summer is almost over!

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