Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 4th Weekend

We started off our holiday weekend by eating at Maydro's Friday night to celebrate a couple of birthdays.

Greg's birthday was Friday and was complete with an LSU birthday cake!

Big Mac's birthday was last Wednesday, so we couldn't leave him out! He had some Ole Miss cupcakes!

Me, Jennifer, Becky, and Amber

Judd and Reagan. These two can sure get into some trouble! They are so much alike!
Judd with ice cream all over his face! After eating we all went to our campers for the weekend. We moved all 4 campers to the campground the Monday before the 4th, so we would all get a spot.

Friday night an unexpected rain shower passed through. Of course, the kids had to play in it!
This is what Judd and the rest of the kids did all weekend....ride bikes! Judd is on another bike in this picture, but he rode his tricycle everywhere. He thought he was just as big as the older ones! We lost him on his tricycle several times, but he would always come riding back up.
He also spent a whole lot of time doing this....playing in the mud!!! Saturday he had to have 4 baths. He couldn't stay out of the mud!

I think sweet little Brennon liked camping! He was so good!

We spent some time at the pool

We stayed way too late each night!

One day, a man on a unicycle came through. He was juggling 3 bowling pins! WOW!

We relaxed some.....

ate popsicles....

the kids rode bikes evey waking hour!! haha!

Blaine was not interested in pictures as usual! Like his new haircut?

Reagan, Tyler, and Judd playing in the pool.

Judd loved for Amber to push him in his stroller!

The men had some very competitive games! Both teams say that they won!
Blaine and Seth

All of the kids were clean and ready to go to the M-Braves game! We had a very fun of the best ones we've had in a long time. The adults enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as the kids!

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