Friday, September 18, 2009

Homecoming Week

This has been homecoming week at LA. Blaine has had fun dressing up each day. The themes were not that much out of the ordinary this year.

Monday was favorite sport day. He chose to wear his baseball uniform.
Tuesday was favorite college day. Blaine's favorite is MSU, of course!
Brewer has been riding to school with us each morning.

Wednesday was camouflage day. I got Blaine some pants to wear too, but they were way too big!
Thursday was colors day: K4-6 wore red clothes, junior high wore white, and high school wore red.

Friday was wear your homecoming t-shirt day. Youth small was the smallest size, and Blaine's was way too big!

This morning on the way to school they had signs like this one lining the road for a mile or so each way. They said things like Road to Rebel Country and Entering Rebel Victory. This one was in front of the school.

Sorry for the quality of the picture. I took it through my window.

I couldn't leave Judd out of the fun! If you look close, you might be able to see the black lipstick he put on with a black majic marker this morning. He actually got more on his hands than on his lips. I didn't know he had done it until we got to the car. I tried to wipe it off with a wet wipe, but it didn't help much.

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