Monday, September 14, 2009

A Busy Weekend

Friday afternoon when I pulled into my driveway, this is what I saw-turkeys! I just happened to have my camera to snap a few shots. I guess this is an indication that fall is on the way!

We had a very busy (but good) weekend. We were gone most of it! It seemed like what little time I was home, I was cooking. Friday night we grilled hamburgers. How could we grill hamburgers without company? So, we called Jamey and DJ over to help us eat them. We enjoyed hearing all of DJ's tales of the river boat. After supper, we went to the church to do some work. Saturday was mostly on the go. There were errands to run, work at the church to be done, work at home to be done, and Lacey's baby luncheon to go to. We finally got everything done and got back home around 9:oo with still more food to cook. Sunday was our big Homecoming/Dedication service at church. We just finished remodeling our church. It looks wonderful! I got up early because I still had some food to get cook. My morning did not go as planned. Just to cut it short, I had to clean Judd's poop out of the bath tub, dig his cereal out of the bathroom sink, sew a button on Neal's shirt, plus answer many calls for "moma." I was hoping to get to church early, which I was not. I did get there right on time. We had a big crowd for the service, as well as, an abundance of food! It was around 5:oo when we got home. Then there was farm work to be done. We had to go to the pasture to get a tractor, which took alot longer than planned. We had several distractions. One was getting the tractor stuck and having to pull it out. We finally got home around 8:00 last night. Just in time to get the boys fed and in the bed. They were so keyed up that they could not go to sleep. Every time we layed down and I got them settled down, the phone would ring, or some thing else would cause us all to get up and have to go through the process again. Neal was gone, so I was having to answer the phone and take care of every thing else. I think it took 5 times of laying down to finally get them to sleep.

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