Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sweet Piper

The boys got to meet their new cousin over the weekend. She is so tiny and sweet!

She is changing really fast!

Judd is trying to figure out where her fingers are.

Blaine doesn't remember Judd being this small. It won't be long until she is as big as Judd!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Piper Elizabeth Ogletree

Daniel and Lacey along with a crowd of family and friends welcomed Piper Elizabeth into the world yesterday. Lacey and Piper are both doing good. Piper weighed 6 lbs 14 oz and was 20 inches long. She is the sweetest little thing. I can't wait to get to hold her!

Lacey and Daniel are going to be GREAT parents!

A proud Daddy!

She already knows her Daddy's voice. She is looking straight at him!

After they had cleaned her up in the nursery, she looked so much different. I guess it was the hair. In the room it was covered with a cap.

I hope she will always be this calm and peaceful!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jean Jean!

Happy Birthday

to you,

Happy Birthday

to you,
Happy Birthday
dear Jean Jean,

Happy Birthday

to you!

We love you, Jean Jean. Thanks for everything that you do for all of us. We couldn't make it without you!

Monday, September 21, 2009

LA Class of '99!

We had our 10 year class reunion this past weekend. That's right, I've been out of school for 10 years. It doesn't seem possible, yet, at the same time, it seems like it has been forever ago. We had a blast. It was so much fun. About half of the class was able to make it. Some of them I haven't seen since graduation. Everyone pretty much looked the same. There wasn't anyone that I didn't recognize.

The group picture. It was really hard to get everyone still enough for a picture. The guys weren't very interested!

The girls in attendance.

Most of us have been apart for so long, but we were able to all pick right back up and have the best time. We missed the ones who were not able to make it! Thanks to all of you that had a part in getting it together!

We had the best time reading all of the prophecies that we wrote our senior year. None of us remembered writing them, but we sure did get a ton of laughs from them! Some were right on target, others were way off. It was so neat because most of them didn't have names on them, but we could look at the writing and know exactly whose it was. It's odd how we could remember how everyone wrote back then!

Dusty Majure (our class president) and Guy Wilson. Guy won the prize for changing the least in 10 years.

Amy Barrett won the prize for changing the most in 10 years. There were prizes for the living the fartherest away and the one with the best life experience since high school.

Me and Suzanne Johnson

Me, Candi Gill, and Suzanne Johnson

Candi and Suzanne

Lacy Wooten, Candi, and Laura Fortenberry

Guy and Traci Wilson

Jamey took pictures of us when we dropped the boys off for Grandaddy and Jean Jean to babysit.

The Picnic

Saturday at lunch, several of us met at the park with our kids for a picnic. Some of the ones at the picnic were not able to make the party. It was nice to get to spend some time with them! Here are just a few of the pictures that I took.

We didn't get a picture with everyone. We didn't think about taking it until several had already left.

Momas and their babies.

Suzanne and Dagen. Dallas was there, but I didn't get a picture of him.

Two of the four babies that were there.

Aubrey Everrett and Kaleigh Wooten. They are both in K5 with Blaine, but are in the other class.

Buddies already!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Homecoming Week

This has been homecoming week at LA. Blaine has had fun dressing up each day. The themes were not that much out of the ordinary this year.

Monday was favorite sport day. He chose to wear his baseball uniform.
Tuesday was favorite college day. Blaine's favorite is MSU, of course!
Brewer has been riding to school with us each morning.

Wednesday was camouflage day. I got Blaine some pants to wear too, but they were way too big!
Thursday was colors day: K4-6 wore red clothes, junior high wore white, and high school wore red.

Friday was wear your homecoming t-shirt day. Youth small was the smallest size, and Blaine's was way too big!

This morning on the way to school they had signs like this one lining the road for a mile or so each way. They said things like Road to Rebel Country and Entering Rebel Victory. This one was in front of the school.

Sorry for the quality of the picture. I took it through my window.

I couldn't leave Judd out of the fun! If you look close, you might be able to see the black lipstick he put on with a black majic marker this morning. He actually got more on his hands than on his lips. I didn't know he had done it until we got to the car. I tried to wipe it off with a wet wipe, but it didn't help much.