Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Couples Trip to Death Valley

Last Saturday morning, a group of us went to Baton Rouge for the LSU/Ole Miss game. This has been in the works for several months now. I think we all had a blast!! Chasity, Becky, and me on the way to the game from the hotel.

Our hotel, the Marriott, from the stadium. I think it was like 3 miles away.

Our crew: Jewett and Becky, Chris and Chasity, and Neal and me

The Ole Miss fans! Ha! They were the only ones that didn't wear LSU colors!

We are big MSU fans, but pulled for LSU on the trip!!
The stadium

Welcome to DEATH VALLEY!..We had to walk SO far to get to the stadium and then walk up several stories to get to our seats!!

It was the perfect day for a game, although, it was so hot that afternoon. We got sunburned and then were freezing by the time the game was over!

LSU warming up

Ole Miss warming up

the mascot, Mike VI

LSU getting "fired-up" before the game!!

The band's pregame show

TOUCHDOWN....LSU!!! This was the first touchdown of the game!

TOUCHDOWN....OLE MISS!! It wasn't long until Ole Miss scored!

I didn't take many pictures throughout the game. The game was so good! We couldn't have picked a better one to go to!! LSU barely pulled it out by a touchdown at the end!

It took us forever to find our vehicle and get out of that huge campus!! We finally decided on a place to eat. I don't think any of us enjoyed it, though!! We were all so tired when we got to the hotel. We were in bed by a little after 11:00. Neal and I had some college kids staying across the hall from us and they partied ALL night. That is until security came for the 2nd time. They were running down the hall, thowing apples, hollering, and beating on our door! We knew they were throwing apples because there were half eaten apples all down the hall the next morning. I think they finally quitened down around 3:oo am. Chris and Jewett were so nice to schedule Neal and me a wake-up call for 6:00 Sunday morning. I could have killed them!! haha!! We got back home around 3:oo Sunday afternoon. Jean Jean and Grandaddy were so nice to babysit for us. We all had a really good time!! It was so good to get away without kids for a couple of days!

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